Professional Cyclist Jody Cundy CBE - Bike Shed Move
Back in 2020, the Asgard Team installed an Access Bike Shed for Paralympian Jody Cundy. Since then Jody has been enjoying his outdoor shed and the extra space and superior bike security it’s provided for him and his bikes.
“I’m really pleased with my Asgard bike shed. It's allowed me to free some room in my garage to create a training room, but have the knowledge my bikes are safe and sound outside. Not only does it look great it swallows up my bikes, spare wheels, helmets and other equipment comfortably. Can’t recommend it enough.” - Jody Cundy OBE.
Jody originally chose the Access bike shed as the huge lift-up lid (gas arm assist) and double door access give Jody instant access to his bikes and riding gear. Measuring just 7ft x 4ft, the shed was a great fit for his patio space, combining a small footprint with good capacity. Fast forward to 2022, Jody was moving house, and quite understandably wanted to take his Asgard bike shed with him!
“Big thank you to Asgard Storage for the assistance in the move. Best bike storage in the business” - Jody Cundy CBE.
If you’re considering relocating your shed, here are some simple hints and tips to get you started:
New fixing kits: Order a product-specific fixing bag from our Asgard Customer Service Team to make it easier than trying to save every screw!
How to remove a wooden floor: The shed wood floors are designed to be a snug fit, to remove it, partially screw in a shed screw into the floor to give you something to grip when lifting it, and always use two people, the floors are very heavy! (Remember, shelves and accessories can get in the way of removing the floor - so it's best to strip any additional components out first.)
Safety First: When removing the roof always use two people, and any appropriate safety gear. once unfixed the roof can move/ slip down the unit, so be careful they are very heavy.
TLC: Take the opportunity to check for dents and treat any deep scratches when disassembling. Use touch-up paint where appropriate to maintain the finish.
To find out more about our Access range please click here, or to find out more about British athletes and their Asgard sheds, please click here.